Monday, June 29, 2009

Spokane River Trip

Posted in by Curtis | Edit
Hey guys here is some information regarding this Tuesdays trip. The first thing is our meeting point. We are going to meet a water street which is located here. The meet time is at 4:30 and please show up on time as best as possible. I will be providing the raft, life jackets and some splash gear. Equipment that you should bring includes some sort of water clothing including a swimsuit. If you do get cold is is best to bring synthetic clothing such as underarmour or fleece. Cotton is a no-no on the river as it drys slowly and will keep you cold. I will also have a large dry bag that we can keep dry clothing for the take out in. Because the trip will take three hours I would also sugest a small snack and a large water bottle. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at .
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First 10 Dates

Posted in by Curtis | Edit
What? Retreating glaciers
When? 15,000 
Why? Massive floods created the landscape we see today

What? Tlehonnipts 
When? 1725 
Why? First white settlers, who washed ashore mysteriously

What? Smallpox Epidemic  When? 1770's
Why? The epidemic spread from Europeans to many of the Puget sound tribes killing 30-50%

What? Bruno de Hezeta Landing Party 
When? 1775
Why? First controlled landing by European explorers

What? Captain James Cook Following the coast 
When? 1778
Why? Documented the Washington and BC coastlines while missing the Strait of Juan de Fuca

What? Neah Bay Settlement 
When? 1792
Why? Mexican and Spanish settlers were the first Europeans to set foot on and settle in Washington

What? Louisiana Purchase 
When? 1803
Why? US purchase of the great pacific northwest

What? Lewis and Clark  
When? 1805
Why? First to reach the coast from the other side of the states

What? The Tonquin 
When? 1811
Why? After many had passed it some one finely realized they found the mouth of the Columbia 

What? David Thompson 
When? 1811
Why? he mapped most of washington while chasing animals